Our Commitment
Biblical, theological, and academically credible health and wellness resources are the starting point of Healthy Seminarians – Healthy Church’s research and advocacy. Combining this emphasis with years of pastoral service and work in the health and wellness industry further strengthens our foundation.
- We have conducted research specifically focused on seminarian health.
- Travis Webster’s Doctor of Theology dissertation (2022): “Does It Have To Make You Sick: Preparing Seminarians For Greater Vocational Health”
- Wabash Grant with Columbia Theological Seminary (2018): “Exercising Our Faith: Moving Towards Greater Health and Wholeness”
- Karen Webster’s Doctor of Ministry dissertation (2016): “Fit to Serve: Making Seminaries Models of Health and Wholeness”
- We are part of a multidisciplinary research team focused on better assessing, understanding, and addressing health-related outcomes among faith leaders.
- Conference presentations:
- West, N.T., Case, T., Huey, M., Webb, B.L., Nelson, J., Webster, K., Webster, T., Leach, C., Harmon, B.E. (2023). A Scoping Review of Self-care within the context of obesity-related outcomes among faith leaders. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, round table presentation.
- Harmon, B.E., Nelson, J., Webb, B., Webster, K., Webster, T., West, N., Case, T., Leach, C. (2023). Psychometric Testing of a Caring for Self Survey for use with Clergy, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, poster presentation.
- Harmon, B.E., Nelson, J., Webb, B., Webster, K., Webster, T., West, N., Case, T. (2022). Validating the Caring Factor Survey – Caring for Self with clergy, International Association for Human Caring Annual Conference, online poster presentation.
- Conference presentations:
- Publications:
- Harmon, BE, Nelson, J, West, NT, Webb, B, Webster, K, Webster, T, Case, T, Leach, C. (in press). Establishing the Reliability and Validity of the Caring Factor Survey-Caring for Self among Protestant Clergy. Pastoral Psychology.
- West NT, Harmon BE, Case T, Huey M, Webb BL, Nelson J, Webster KH, Webster TA, Leach CH. A scoping review of self-care within the context of obesity-related outcomes among faith leaders. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/08901171231204669
- Publications:
- Online data gathering (ongoing): Wellness Assessment
- Staying current with the rapidly changing health and wellness industry (ongoing).
Through our work with seminary students and young clergy, we are seeing both the positive effects as well as ever-present need of helping people remember that we are all part of God’s very good creation and, with God’s help, that we can live into the wholeness and shalom of our full selves.
HSHC advocates for seminarians and young clergy in everything we do. Whether speaking with individual seminarians or in seminary communities, churches, or denominational organizations, we are dedicated to moving towards greater life-long wholeness and more abundant life.
Affiliations and Research Interests
Rev. Dr. Karen H. Webster is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), American Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists (AASDN), Real Balance Global Wellness Services, and The National Wellness Institute (NWI). She writes and speaks on the intersection of faith, fitness, nutrition, and creation care. For more information, Click Here
Rev. Travis A. Webster, Th.D. is licensed as a marriage and family therapist, is a member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT), and is certified through Real Balance Global Wellness Services. His writing and speaking are focused on assisting people in understanding and integrating the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional parts of ourselves into a life of health and wholeness. For more information, Click Here
Interested in learning more about the health of your mind, body, and spirit? Give yourself a health and wholeness checkup: Take the Wellness Assessment
“As a theological librarian, I am aware that very little research exists on the health of seminarians which makes the work of HSHC so vital. Bringing awareness to the importance of health in all its definitions is one reason that the John Bulow Campbell Library partners regularly with HSHC. This partnership provides an integrated approach to helping seminarians learn and practice healthy habits during their seminary career and hopefully during their lifetime.”
Dr. Kelly Campbell
Associate Dean for Information Services
Director, John Bulow Campbell Library
Columbia Theological Seminary