The following are apps, websites, and other tools that you may find useful for building and maintaining your overall health and wellness.
Apps & Websites
- AA Meeting Guide (Apple & Android compatible) – find a local AA meeting, get daily reflections, and ways to contact groups.
- Alcohol Help – explains the different types of treatment available to help individuals find the most successful path to sobriety. 24/7 help line.
- Clean Time Counter (Apple & Android compatible) – track days sober.
- Sober Time (Apple & Android compatible) – track days sober.
Fitness & Nutrition Trackers
- Apple Health (Apple only) – highlights activity, sleep, mindfulness, and nutrition.
- Down Dog (Apple & Android compatible) – a variety of fitness classes, including yoga, HIIT, meditation and more.
- Five Minute Journal (Apple & Android compatible) – journal on the go with three daily questions.
- Google Fit (Apple & Android compatible) – motivates you to move more and sit less.
- Map My Run (Apple & Android compatible) – map your route, track your activity, log your food, share with friends.
- My Fitness Pal (Apple & Android compatible) – track exercise and healthy eating. Exercise routines, tips, and healthy recipes.
- My Net Diary (Apple & Android compatible) – food and exercise tracking.
- Noom (Apple & Android compatible) – healthy eating coaching and individualize eating plans.
- Yoga Studio (Apple & Android compatible) – take yoga classes on your own time, at various levels.
- Center for Nutrition Studies (T. Colin Campbell) – a non-profit committed to increasing awareness of the extraordinary impact that food has on the health of our bodies, our communities, and our planet.
- Dirty Dozen & Clean 15 (Apple & Android compatible) – the lists indicate which fruits and vegetables have the highest and lowest amount of pesticides on them. For those on a budget, these lists are helpful when deciding which produce is worth paying extra for.
- Find your Local CSA and Farmers’ Market (Local Harvest Website) – Type in your city or zip code in the search bar at the top of the page and view a list of local Farmers’ Markets and CSA’s with drop offs in your area.
- Food Scores (Apple & Android compatible) – searchable online format designed to guide consumers to healthy, affordable food that’s good for both people and the planet.
- NutritionFacts.org (Dr. Michael Greger) – educational diet and nutrition videos, peer-reviewed nutrition and health research, presented in a way that is easy to understand.
- Physicians Committee on Responsible Medicine (pcrm.org) – a non-profit group of physicians dedicated to saving and improving human and animal lives through plant-based diets and ethical and effective scientific research.
- Plate and Planet (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Website) – research source, foodprint calculator, and sample 7-Day Meal Plan for planetary health.
- Real Food Encylopedia (foodprint.org Website) – comprehensive real food encyclopedia helps you understand the foodprint of each food listed. Learn how sustainable (or unsustainable!) each food is, what to look for when shopping for it, and even tips on how to cook it.
- ReFED (refed.org Website) – ReFED is a national nonprofit dedicated to ending food loss and waste across the U.S. food system by advancing data-driven solutions. Check out their Impact Calculator and other food waste tools!
- The Seasonal Food Guide (Apple & Android compatible) – guide for selecting seasonal vegetables. Plus, some “fun” facts, recipes, and environmental impact data for each type of food!
Mental Health
- Be Okay (Apple & Android compatible) – provides calming techniques that help you cope with anxiety and panic attacks.
- CogniFit (Apple & Android compatible) – provides cognitive training program intended to help users improve brain functioning.
- MoodMission (Apple & Android compatible) – provides assistance for people experiencing symptoms of stress, anxiety, or depression.
- Sanvello (Apple & Android compatible) – provides assistance with stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Aura (Apple & Android compatible) – meditations for stress, anxiety, sleep, and more.
- Calm (Apple & Android compatible) – variety of features such as guided meditation, relaxation, and sounds for sleep.
- Daybook (Apple & Android compatible) – free, passcode-protected personal diary, journal, and notes app.
- Gratitude Journal (Apple only) – make journal entries on things you are grateful for each day.
- Insight Timer (Apple & Android compatible) – meditation timer and meditations.
- Intend (Apple only) – reminds you at random time intervals of the changes and goals you want to accomplish. Sends you affirmations of your choosing.
- Mokugyo (Apple & Android compatible) – traditional Japanese instrument sound that can be used to start or end meditation practice.
- Pray As You Go (Apple & Android compatible) – a daily prayer session, designed for use on portable MP3 players, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly while traveling to and from work, school, etc.
- Stop, Breath, & Think (Apple & Android compatible) – guide people through meditations for mindfulness & compassion.
- Smiling Mind (Apple & Android compatible) – encourages mindfulness practices as a pillar of wellness (like daily exercise, good sleep, and healthy eating).
- Virtual Hope Box (Apple & Android compatible) – create your own customized hope box that contains personalized supportive audio, video, pictures, games, mindfulness exercises, positive messages and activity planning, inspirational quotes, coping statements, and other tool.
- BetterSleep (Apple & Android compatible) – play calming sounds for sleep.
- myNoise (Apple & Android compatible) – play white noise and nature sound for sleep.
- Omvana (Apple & Android compatible) – play calming sounds for sleep.
- Sleep Cycle (Apple & Android compatible) – tracks your sleep and wakes you when you are in light sleep.
- Recycling Center Search (earth911.com Website) – enter the item you want to recycle or choose from the quick search, enter your zip code, and get recycling!
Co-founder Picks
Resources hand-picked by Karen and Travis Webster to support your health and wholeness.
- Alternative Gifts International Catalog (alternativegifts.org) – a non-profit that offers donors the option to designate charitable gifts through carefully selected agencies to support humanitarian and environmental causes.
- “I Like Vegetable” Song (youtube.com) – a playful, catchy tune we can’t get out of our heads!
- Presbyterians for Earth Care (presbyearthcare.org) – PEC is a national eco-justice network that cares for God’s creation by connecting, equipping, and inspiring Presbyterians to make creation care a central concern of the church.
- Taize Service (Columbia Presbyterian Church) – a weekly centering service on Tuesdays at 7pm (Eastern Time). Open to all. Email columbiapresbyterian@gmail.com for the Zoom link.
- The Bible Garden (csu.edu.au) – The Garden is located within the precincts of the Australian Centre of Christianity and Culture on the shores of Lake Burley Griffin in Canberra, Australia’s national capital. Here you will find images and descriptions of the plants of the Bible Garden.
The artwork (acrylic on canvas) above was created by Cate Miller, art teacher at St. Thomas More School and The High Museum Summer Camp. Cate believes in giving equal attention to the mind, body and spirit. The painting was created during a Spring 2015 worship service at Eastside Church, Atlanta, Georgia.