HSHC’s Lent Programs (2/22/23 – 4/8/23) – Pick One or Both Programs!

At this time of year, we often start weighing which habit we can give up during Lent.  However, as HSHC has encouraged in the past, let this Lent be a time to add a healthy habit!  HSHC’s Lenten Challenge this year is to challenge you to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables (since most people in the United States do not meet the minimum daily requirements of either).  Plus, adding tasty fruits and vegetables to your meals during Lent could have far reaching benefits, not only for your own health, but also for the health of your community and the world. 

This year HSHC is also providing the opportunity to explore the relationship between what we eat and how we live via a weekly “live” online conversation with Karen and Travis (HSHC Co-Founders) throughout the six weeks in Lent.

#1 – “Fruit & Vegetable” Challenge Overview:

  • Wednesday, February 22nd through Saturday, April 8th, 2023: Participants are challenged to track their daily consumption of “fruits and vegetables” using a simple tracking sheet we provide.
  • You set your own daily goal! Participants have the opportunity to set their own daily fruit and vegetable consumption goals, since this varies considerably based on people’s age, activity level, financial means, etc.
  • Bonus Points: During the challenge, participants will also have the opportunity to earn bonus points each week (example – eating plant foods mentioned in the Bible, local fruits and vegetables, fair trade, etc.). 
  • Weekly Themes: The theme of each week’s bonus points has been intentionally aligned with the week’s discussion topic for the online gatherings (more details about this below).
  • Teams: Participants can register as a team (groups of 2-4), and those who register as individuals will be randomly assigned to a team.
  • This is a team event this year because we want to give participants the opportunity to encourage one another and/or to meet new people.
    • Note: there is no expectation as to how much each individual interacts with their other teammates (that is self-determined).  However, the number of points each team member accumulates goes towards their team’s total score.
  • Prizes: There are prizes for the team with the most points!

#2 – “Just Eating?” Online Weekly Gathering Overview:

This is the chance to come together and explore the relationship between the way we eat and the way we live using the curriculum Just Eating?: Practicing our Faith at the Table, published by the Presbyterian Hunger Program.  During our time together we will use scripture, prayer, and stories from our local and global contexts to explore five key aspects of our relationship with food.

  •  The health of our bodies.
  • The challenge of hunger.
  • The health of the earth that provides our food.
  • The ways we use food to extend hospitality and enrich relationships.
  • The opportunities for action, renewal, and transformation in our eating practices (as individuals and as faith communities).

Online Gathering Times (via Zoom): Thursdays in Lent @ 12pm EST (3/2, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, and 4/6).

  • Note: We are not meeting on 2/23/23 because we would like to give participants the chance to review the materials in the participant’s guide before we meet.

Weekly Themes:

  • Week 1 – Food Sharing As Sacramental
  • Week 2 – Nurturing the Body
  • Week 3 – Hidden Hunger & The Food We Eat
  • Week 4 – Food & The Environment
  • Week 5 – Building Community
  • Week 6 – Discernment

In-Person Gathering Information (for those living in the Murrysville (PA) area.

  • Sundays during Lent (2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26, and 4/2) at 9:45 am EST in the Gathering Room @ Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church (Murrysville, PA).  Our weekly themes correspond with the information provided above.  


Cost: There is no cost to participate in this program thanks to the generosity of HSHC donors


How to get involved:

Register to take part in one or more of the following (by clicking the button below):

  • The “Fruit & Vegetable” Challenge (only).

  • The “Just Eating?” Gatherings (only).

  • “Fruit & Vegetable” Challenge + “Just Eating?” Gatherings (both).

Registration Deadline: February 17, 2023!

For questions and/or more information, please feel free to contact us.

Graphics credit: Canva and Presbyterian Hunger Program

Let This Be A Time

To Add A Healthy Habit!